Docenas de detenidos en Alemania tras una investigacin europea sobre el crimen organizado italiano
Police arrested 29 people in connection with dishwasher, drug smuggling, fraud and tax evasion
The German police arrested a persona documents Fr todo and not in an investigation of the group of organized crime Italian ‘Ndrangheta.
Estas detenciones son consecuencia de una investigation coordination between Alemania, Blgica, Francia, Italia, Portugal y Espaa, as como Europol y Eurojust.
Between the detenidos haba four characters in bavaria, 15 in Renania del Norte-Westfalia there 10 in the Estado de Renania-Palatinadoin the southwest of Germany.
The police ha confiscado pruebas potenciales en docenas de lugares, incluidos hogares y oficinas.
Los sospechosos estn acusados de dishwasherevasin tax criminal, fraud there drug smugglingsegn las fiscalas of Dusseldorf, Coblenza, Saarbrücken y Mnich in a joint declaration with the state police in Baviera, Renania del Norte-Westfalia, Renania-Palatinado y Sarre.
Complies with the criteria of
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